Tuition Fees

All students are under obligation to pay tuition. For this purpose, GSSST Finance Office issues invoices with payment instructions and payment schedule, delivered to parent’s email address.

Tuition fee payment to the Gymnasium SSST is not required in bulk, but can be broken down in two or ten equal installments. The tuition fee payment schedule consists of installment amounts and their due dates. The tuition fee covers the cost of textbooks, but does not cover the cost of school uniform.

For tuition payment in two installments, please find below the tuition fee payment schedule from September 2024:

Annual tuition fee for BH nationals 7.900,00 BAM

  • First Installment in the amount of 3.950,00 BAM - due date October 1st
  • Second installment in the amount of 3.950,00 BAM - due date February 1st

Annual tuition fee for International students 7.900,00 EUR

  • First Installment in the amount of 3.950,00 EUR - due date October 1st
  • Second installment in the amount of 3.950,00 EUR - due date February 1st

For tuition fee payment schedule in ten installments, please find the details below:

  • First Installment in the amount of 790,00 BAM (BH nationals) or 790,00 EUR (International students) - due date October 10th
  • Every subsequent installment in equal amount is due no later than the 10th day of the current month, for the previous month.
  • The last annual payment must be made on or before July 10th of each school year.

Failure to comply with one of the above stated payment schedules results in automatic late payment fees, may result in suspension from class attendance and/or prevention from registration to the next semester or school year and/or expulsion.